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Why are we focused on Essentials?

Hi, we are Will and Will, we have been best mates for decades but business partners for only a year. 

We are here to build a baby brand with a purpose. We are strong believers in the need for manufacturers to take responsibility for the afterlife of their products and to do so without penalising the customer on price. So we were perennially disappointed with the current large-scale fashion houses and high-street. 

This is an issue particularly prevalent for products like baby essentials. Items that must be bought in bulk and are only used a few times, with high wear and tear (read brown stains). Making them more suitable for the bin than second use by another baby. This makes a rental model unsuitable as the wear makes meeting the new look and feel that parents demand impossible.

But this does set up an opportunity for a business to take the high-quality cotton used in essentials shred it and then sell it for other thread uses away from babies. Baby essentials are defined by their quality, price and functionality. Offering an opportunity for two mates who definitely aren't on-trend fashioned designers to launch a business and have a real stab at raising the bar for baby essentials

Join us on our journey