Why are play dates so important?
Why are play dates so important?
There's so much more to play dates than meets the eye!
Take a look below at what your little one is learning at each stage.
Did you know:
Up to 6 months: It’s not really about the babies, but about the parents bonding over their shared experiences.You’ve been at home with your baby, and it’s time for a breath of fresh air. A playdate is a great chance to connect with other parents.You can share, discuss, and talk about their loved ones’ development. Your baby might not understand much, but you’ll appreciate the new friendships.
6 to 12 months: Now we’re talking playtime! Your baby starts interacting with their environment. Plan activities like messy arts, claps, and rollover. Sharing isn’t their favorite word yet but they’ll love watching other babies in action!
12 to 18 months: Navigating separation anxiety is the key focus at this age. Playdate can help reassure your toddler that meeting new people isn’t scary. This is the perfect age to teach them that socializing doesn’t mean saying bye-bye to their parents.
18 to 24 months: Now your baby is ready to enjoy interactive games with other kids their age. Rolling balls, playing blocks, or dancing together. They’re learning empathy and sharing won’t be an issue anymore.
Over 2 years: This is when play dates truly excite your child. They’ve grown and learned how to behave and respond to situations. It’s beneficial to include older kids and mix up ages, as your child is now more independent and ready for their own adventures and experiences.